Do You Have a New Year’s Resolution?
January 2, 2025
One out of three U.S. adults typically plan to make New Year’s resolutions. Younger people are more likely to make resolutions, and they tend to place more emphasis on finances, happiness, and mental health, whereas older people tend to emphasize physical health. Experts suggest that it’s easier to keep resolutions that are specific and measurable, and it can be helpful to reward yourself for meeting goals along the way.
These were the top 10 resolutions for 2024, ranked by the percentage of adults who said they would set these goals.
Save more money: 23%
Be happy: 22%
Exercise more: 21%
Improve physical health: 21%
Eat healthier: 20%
Improve mental health: 19%
Lose weight: 19%
Learn something new: 16%
Read more: 15%
Spend more time with family: 15%
Sources: YouGov, December 21, 2023 (multiple responses allowed); Forbes Health, January 12, 2024
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